
In short: we’re thinkers and doers for the creative media industry.

We operate through standard Consultancy metrics; non-executive Directorships or through proactive support & maintenance contracts with Service Level Agreements (SLAs).

Some of the things we do most often include:

» Technical Support
We resolve current issues as quickly as possible and recommend solutions to mitigate recurring issues. If you are in need of “right now” assistance please contact us.

» Editing Solutions
We consult; design; build and train end-to-end editing platforms – whether a single workstation through to a world-wide inter-connected multi-facility media powerhouse.

» Workflows
We tweak; squash and pull creative and data workflows to become more efficient and less complicated.

» Storage
We architect; build and benchmark high-performance cost-effective storage solutions from a variety of vendors, maintaining support for as many NLE and creative tools that you need.

» Back-up & Archive
We build resilient and cost-effective back-up and archive solutions to simplify and streamline your data workflow, both in on-site and off-site environments to mitigate and fulfil disaster recovery scenarios.

» Cloud
We were Cloud before Cloud was Cloud. Bringing our rich I.T. history into the media industry – that’s only just now catching up – we don’t design Cloud solutions, we already have them. Our Cloud solutions include off-site backup and archive; through to Adobe Anywhere managed hosting (please Contact Us for pricing.)

For a little bit more about our background read the About Us page.

» Media Asset Management (MAM)
We take the various solutions out there and mould them into one that suits you perfectly. We’re experts in integration, so we tie your MAM into your workflow perfectly whether data; creative or financial.

» Maintenance & Training
We ensure your infrastructure and workflows are serving you as they should be, and enable you to get the best out of your creative tools to maximise utilisation and profitability.